3 Easy Steps!

phone logo icon used on The Speech Cottage Co. website, Ramona speech therapy

Free Phone Consultation

clipboard and pencil screening logo icon used on The Speech Cottage Co. website, a Ramona speech therapy

15-minute phone consultation with the SLP, Amanda McNamara, to discuss your child and to make sure we can meet your needs.

Screening & Evaluation

A screening will take place to determine if and what areas of speech and language should be evaluated in a full evaluation. If a full evaluation is needed, an evaluation will be conducted to determine your child’s skills and needs. A report will be provided to you following the evaluation.

a speech bubble with a heart and a speech bubble with 3 dots icons used on The Speech Cottage Co. website, a Ramona speech therapy

Speech Therapy

Treatment will begin in either in-person or virtually. Frequency will be recommended based on the results of the evaluation. We value meeting your child where they are at and building connections first to encourage an effective and happy therapy experience.

At The Speech Cottage Co. we help nurture connection and communication.